Should parents have the right to make life-and-death decisions concerning critically ill infants? (in Polish)

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Kazimierz Szewczyk


The article is a follow-up to an online debate, “On Rational Decision Making in Neonatal Care”, which was held within between 15th September and 15th October 2012 on the website of the Polish Bioethics Society. In it I provide justifications for the following three proposals: (I) the creation of a category for critically ill infants as patients in whose case withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment would be a morally justified action, (II) that this category subsume all the five cases mentioned in the document of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, entitled Withholding or Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment in Children. A Framework for Practice (2004), and (III) that parents of critically ill infants be provided not only the moral, but also the legal possibility of refusing life-sustaining treatment.

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How to Cite
“Should Parents Have the Right to Make Life-and-Death Decisions Concerning Critically Ill Infants? (in Polish)”. 2012. Diametros, no. 34 (December): 154-78.
Author Biography

Kazimierz Szewczyk, Medical University of Lodz

Kazimierz Szewczyk, professor
Medical University of Lodz
Pl-90-131 Łódź
ul. Lindleya 6

How to Cite

“Should Parents Have the Right to Make Life-and-Death Decisions Concerning Critically Ill Infants? (in Polish)”. 2012. Diametros, no. 34 (December): 154-78.
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