Early View

The papers published in Early View have been reviewed and accepted for publication in Diametros but not yet assigned to an issue. These articles may be cited by their DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The editorial team of "Diametros" encourages readers interested in the issues discussed in a given article to submit their comments or vices for discussion, which, after an appropriate qualification procedure, may be included in the same issue.

The Symposium on “Setting Health-Care Priorities” by Torbjörn Tännsjö
Vol. 18 No. 68 (2021)

The present special issue constitutes a symposium on the book Setting Health-Care Priorities. What Ethical Theories Tell Us by Torbjörn Tännsjö. The book in question states that there are three moral theories which have valid implications in the field of the distribution of medical resources in a healthcare system: utilitarianism (possibly conjoined with prioritarianism), the maximin/leximin view, and egalitarianism. A number of authors have contributed to this special issue with papers which challenge this thesis: Robert E. Goodin, Quinn Hiroshi Gibson, Jay A. Zameska, Lasse Nielsen. The final article in this issue constitutes Tännsjö’s replies to his critics.

Special issue: Kant on the Relations between Church and State
Vol. 17 No. 65 (2020)

Special issue: Kant on the Relations between Church and State

This special issue contains contributions by Dino Jakušić, Wojciech Kozyra, Stefano Lo Re, Gordon E. Michalson Jr., and Stephen R. Palmquist. It covers a wide range of topics: from moral pluralism and religious freedom to dogmatic conflicts and the Jewish Enlightenment. The authors feature the distinction between ethical community and civil condition, highlight the ambiguities in Kant’s conception of church, and show why the church should welcome secularisation. Finally, they specify the conditions under which the church can be involved in the realisation of the highest political good, i.e., perpetual peace. Editor: Anna Tomaszewska.

Special issue: The Normative Significance of Empirical Moral Psychology
Vol. 17 No. 64 (2020)

Special issue: The Normative Significance of Empirical Moral Psychology

Many psychologists have tried to reveal the formation of moral judgments by using a variety of empirical methods: behavioral data, tests of statistical significance, and brain imaging. Meanwhile, some scholars maintain that the new empirical findings of the ways we make moral judgments question the trustworthiness and authority of many intuitive ethical responses. The aim of this issue is to encourage scholars to rethink how, if at all, it is possible to draw any normative conclusions by discovering the psychological processes underlying moral judgments. Editor: Tomasz Żuradzki.