Health as a Human Right (in Polish)

Main Article Content

Włodzimierz Galewicz


The subject matter of this article is the right to health as one of the moral rights granted to all human beings. In the first part, I provide an overview of selected international documents that consider health (or “the highest attainable standard of health”) a human right and, in the second part, I investigate the most significant commentaries on these documents. Accordingly, I attempt to bring out and arrange in an order the main ethical claims contained in these documents and commentaries, discussing such issues as the kinds of rights related to health, the conditions of access to health-related goods or the duties of the states implicated by the right to health.

Article Details

How to Cite
“Health As a Human Right (in Polish)”. 2014. Diametros, no. 42 (December): 57-82.
Special Topic - Cross sections of bioethics
Author Biography

Włodzimierz Galewicz, Jagiellonian University

Włodzimierz Galewicz, professor
Institute of Philosophy
Jagiellonian University

How to Cite

“Health As a Human Right (in Polish)”. 2014. Diametros, no. 42 (December): 57-82.
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