David Heyd’s Generocentrism and the ‘(Pro)creation Epic’ (in Polish)

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Kazimierz Szewczyk


In the first part of my paper, drawing on the works by David Heyd, I argue that, in the choices related to procreation, an autonomous decision of the woman (or of partners) involved should play the key role. In the relation between a healthcare professional, on the one hand, and a pregnant patient, or a patient who intends to become pregnant, on the other – the former is ethically obliged to provide proper help in the decision-making process that should nevertheless be founded on the ethical ideal of a morally good person. The decision should also be informed by the conception of a morally good person endorsed by the woman (or by partners). In the second part of my paper, I refer to the conception of the sanctity of human life, developed by Ronald Dworkin, to claim that, in a complex medical model, the tendency to equate the fetus with bodily organs should be curtailed as far as the relation between the pregnant woman and the fetus is concerned. The idea of the sanctity of life also serves as the ground on which what I call a ‘procreation epic’ is based. The suggested epic, viewed as a general philosophical framework for the healthcare and reproductive medicine policy, is considered relevant to democratic societies.

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How to Cite
“David Heyd’s Generocentrism and the ‘(Pro)creation Epic’ (in Polish)”. 2014. Diametros, no. 42 (December): 178-203. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.42.2014.687.
Special Topic - Cross sections of bioethics
Author Biography

Kazimierz Szewczyk, Medical University of Lodz

Kazimierz Szewczyk, professor
Medical University of Lodz
Pl-90-131 Łódź
ul. Lindleya 6

How to Cite

“David Heyd’s Generocentrism and the ‘(Pro)creation Epic’ (in Polish)”. 2014. Diametros, no. 42 (December): 178-203. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.42.2014.687.
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