Loyalty and salvation. Josiah Royce's road to Utopia (in Polish)

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Zbigniew Ambrożewicz


In this paper I present the social and moral philosophy of the American idealist Josiah Royce. Royce’s key notions, loyalty and community, are explained and interpreted in the spirit of Hegelianism, the philosophy of Schopenhauer, Christianity, and American pragmatism. I argue that Royce’s social and ethical outlooks lead him (in spite of his intentions) to a kind of conception of Utopian society called by him the Great Community.

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How to Cite
“Loyalty and Salvation. Josiah Royce’s Road to Utopia (in Polish)”. 2011. Diametros, no. 29 (September): 1-21. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.29.2011.442.
Author Biography

Zbigniew Ambrożewicz, The Bogdan Jański Academy

Zbigniew Ambrożewicz, PhD
The Bogdan Jański Academy
ul. Sempołowskiej 2
45-044 Opole


How to Cite

“Loyalty and Salvation. Josiah Royce’s Road to Utopia (in Polish)”. 2011. Diametros, no. 29 (September): 1-21. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.29.2011.442.
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