Wittgenstein 1929-1930 – the Problem of Colour Exclusion (in Polish)
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The main goal of this article is to provide an interpretation of the colour incompatibility claim in terms of Wittgenstein's phenomenology. I will focus on two works which are of great significance for the colour incompatibility claim, namely, Some Remarks on Logical Form and Philosophical Remarks. The period between 1929 and 1930 is the time when these two works came into existence, and it is the beginning of the “middle period” of Wittgenstein's philosophy. My attention will not only concern the fact that Wittgenstein formulated the colour incompatibility claim, but I will also address the issue of how this claim was justified. The grasp of Wittgenstein's justification of the colour incompatibility claim will help to understand his phenomenology and his theory of philosophical grammar.
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How to Cite
Austin [1980] – J. Austin, Wittgenstein's Solution to the Color Exclusion Problem, „Philosophy and Phenomenological Research” 41 (1, 2) 1995, s. 142–149.
Hacker [1989] – P.M.S. Hacker, Insight and Illusion: Themes The Philosophy of Wittgenstein, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1989.
Jacquette [1990] – D. Jacquette, Wittgenstein and the Color Incompatibility Problem, „History of Philosophy Quarterly” (7) 1990, s. 353–365.
Moss [2012] – S. Moss, Solving the Color Incompatibility Problem, „Journal of Philosophical Logic” 41 (5) 2012, s. 841–851.
Noe [1994] – R.A. Noe, Wittgenstein, Phenomenology and What It Makes Sense to Say, „Philosophy and Phenomenological Research” (54/1) 1994, s. 1–42.
Sievert [1989] – D. Sievert, Another Look at Wittgenstein on Color Exclusion, „Synthese” 78 (3) 1989, s. 291–318.
Stern [1991] – D. Stern, The “Middle Wittgenstein”: From Logical Atomism to Practical Holism, „Synthese” 87 (2) 1991, s. 203–226.
Wittgenstein [1997a] – L. Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus, tłum. W. Wolniewicz, PWN, Warszawa 1997.
Wittgenstein [1997b] – L. Wittgenstein, Kilka uwag o formie logicznej, tłum. M. Świerczyński, „Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa seria” 1 (21) 1997, s. 151–156.
Wittgenstein [1975] – L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Remarks, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1975.