Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Self-Expression, and Kant’s Public Use of Reason

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Geert Van Eekert


This article turns to early modern and Enlightenment advocates of tolerance (Locke, Spinoza, John Stuart Mill) in order to discover and lay bare the line of argument that informed their commitment to free speech. This line of argument will subsequently be used to assess the shift from free speech to the contemporary ideal of free self-expression. In order to take this assessment one step further, this article will finally turn to Immanuel Kant’s famous defense of the public use of reason. In the wake of Katerina Deligiorgi’s readings of Kant, it will show that the idea of free speech requires a specific disposition on behalf of speakers and writers that is in danger of being neglected in the contemporary prevailing conception of free speech as freedom of self-expression.

Article Details

How to Cite
“Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Self-Expression, and Kant’s Public Use of Reason”. 2018. Diametros 54 (54): 118-37.
Special Issue "Enlightenment and Secularism"
Author Biography

Geert Van Eekert, University of Antwerp

Prof. Geert Van Eekert
Department of Philosophy,
University of Antwerp
Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium


How to Cite

“Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Self-Expression, and Kant’s Public Use of Reason”. 2018. Diametros 54 (54): 118-37.
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