The Perceived Meaning of Life in the Case of Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities (in Polish)

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Żaneta Stelter


The perceived meaning of life significantly affects the quality of human life. It is of particular significance in borderline situations. One of such situations is the birth of an intellectually disabled child. The article presents the results of the study concerning the perceived meaning of life in the case of parents who bring up a child with limited intellectual abilities. The study included 87 mothers and 65 fathers bringing up an intellectually disabled child. In the studied cases, parents perceived their life as highly meaningful. The results indicated that the perceived meaning of life in the case of parents of intellectually disabled children was related with: suffering experienced by the parents as a result of a limited intellectual ability of their daughter/son, the manner of performing their parental role and the sense of parental identity (experiencing oneself in the role of the mother/father).

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How to Cite
“The Perceived Meaning of Life in the Case of Parents of Children With Intellectual Disabilities (in Polish)”. 2015. Diametros, no. 46 (December): 92-110.
Author Biography

Żaneta Stelter, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Żaneta Stelter, PhD
Institute of Psychology
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Department of Psychology of Human Development and Family Studies
ul. Szamarzewskiego 89
60-568 Poznań

How to Cite

“The Perceived Meaning of Life in the Case of Parents of Children With Intellectual Disabilities (in Polish)”. 2015. Diametros, no. 46 (December): 92-110.
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