What Kind of Justice Can We Expect from a Medical Doctor? (in Polish)

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Marek Olejniczak


The essential objective of the paper is to demonstrate the complexity of issues related to justice in the medical profession. The author claims that the virtue of justice as the foundation of a good doctor's moral attitude and the concept of justice in allocating medical goods are of primary importance. The most important thesis presented in the paper is that even if the so-called social justice needs to be complied with in the public healthcare system, it has nothing to do with the virtue of justice applicable to the medical profession. The idea of social justice (not equally clear to everyone) is the foundation of the public healthcare system. However, burdening doctors with the necessity to make decisions about rationing access to medical services increases neither their job satisfaction, nor the well-being of patients. Thus, joint efforts of doctors, economists, ethicists and politicians are required in this area.


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How to Cite
Olejniczak, Marek. 2015. “What Kind of Justice Can We Expect from a Medical Doctor? (in Polish)”. Diametros, no. 44 (June):78-88. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.44.2015.764.
Special Topic - New medical technologies and basic healthcare
Author Biography

Marek Olejniczak, Medical University of Gdańsk

Marek Olejniczak, PhDDepartment of Ethics,Medical University of GdańskUl. Tuwima 15,80-210 GdańskE-mail: olejniczak@gumed.edu.pl
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