Solidarity and Health: A Public Goods Justification

Main Article Content

Patricia Illingworth
Wendy E. Parmet


This comment on Professor ter Meulen's paper, "Solidarity and Justice in Health Care," offers additional perspectives on  solidarity's importance for health. Noting the findings of social epidemiology, the paper explains that health has important public good dimensions. It is both non-rivlalrous because one person's health does not diminish another's, and it is largely determined by non-excludable access goods, including social networks, social determinants, and public health efforts. The public good dimension of health underscores the mutual dependence and shared stake that people have with respect to health, and highlights the importance of coming together in solidarity for the sake of health. This is not to say that solidarity cannot also foster exclusionary tendencies; however, the recognition of mutual dependency with respect to health can foster an inclusive solidarity for the health of all people.

Article Details

How to Cite
“Solidarity and Health: A Public Goods Justification”. 2015. Diametros, no. 43 (March): 65-71.
Special Topic - Solidarity and Justice in Health Care
Author Biographies

Patricia Illingworth, Northeastern University

Patricia Illingworth, JD, PhD
Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy and Religion
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02115


Wendy E. Parmet, Northeastern University School of Law

Wendy E. Parmet
Dir. Program on Health Policy & Law and
Matthews Distinguished University
Professor of Law
Northeastern University School of Law
400 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02115


How to Cite

“Solidarity and Health: A Public Goods Justification”. 2015. Diametros, no. 43 (March): 65-71.
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