Is the „death of God” the „death of society”? An attempt to combine selected aspects of the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and the philosophy and sociology of Georg Simmel (in Polish)

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Markus Lipowicz


The aim of the present article is an analysis and interpretation of the relation between the “death of God”, proclaimed by Frederic Nietzsche, and the prerequisites of sociation in the postmodern era. I will try to show that the “death of God” does not only refer to the religious dimension but also expresses the contemporary condition of the western culture. Nowadays the western culture is a decentralized culture that does not relate the human life to any metaphysical notions or ideals. This leads into the destruction of social integration which I will analyze after Georg Simmel in three dimensions: the destruction of the image of man, individual self-realization and the harmony between the individual and the social entirety. I will try to prove that postmodernity constitutes an era of a simulation of the society and a battlefield of multifarious forms of life, values, customs and conceptions of truth, which cannot be pacified.

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How to Cite
“Is the „death of God” the „death of society”? An Attempt to Combine Selected Aspects of the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and the Philosophy and Sociology of Georg Simmel (in Polish)”. 2013. Diametros, no. 37 (September): 85-106.
Author Biography

Markus Lipowicz, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Markus Lipowicz, PhD
Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow
Department of Pedagogy
PL-31-501 Kraków

How to Cite

“Is the „death of God” the „death of society”? An Attempt to Combine Selected Aspects of the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and the Philosophy and Sociology of Georg Simmel (in Polish)”. 2013. Diametros, no. 37 (September): 85-106.
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