Animal body consciousness – who owns the body of an animal? (in Polish)

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Piotr Wronarowicz


This paper considers the body ownership of nonhuman animals, related to the body consciousness problem. The issue of nonhuman animal consciousness is based on Donald R. Griffin’s work and is narrowed down to body-consciousness with the addition of arguments from Richard Shusterman's Body Consciousness and neurobiology. The attempt to set a boundary between animals which have body awareness and those which do not is inconclusive. However, it was possible to locate animal body-consciousness among the different types of awareness and to distinguish between body-awareness and higher degree body-consciousness. The latter type does not need self-awareness to be recognized. This means that many more species than only those that are able to pass Gallup's test may have this kind of consciousness. The article ends by pointing out which type of consciousness/awareness is sufficient for determining whether animals have a right to their bodies and are their rightful owners.


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How to Cite
Wronarowicz, Piotr. 2013. “Animal Body Consciousness – Who Owns the Body of an Animal? (in Polish)”. Diametros, no. 36 (June):147-65.
Author Biography

Piotr Wronarowicz, Elementary School nr 80

Piotr Wronarowicz, MA Jagiellonian University Department of Philosophy alumnus ethics teacher Elementary School nr 80 Os. Na Skarpie 8 Pl-31-909 Kraków e-mail:
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