Donor rights in selected European population biobanks (in Polish)

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Jakub Pawlikowski


Population biobanks offer new opportunities for biomedical research, and are fundamental for the development of personalized medicine and public health genomics. On the other hand they demand new rules in order to guarantee donor rights (informed consent, privacy, confidentiality, non-discrimination). The main dimensions of respecting donor rights are: good communication skills with society (public consultation) and with individual donors (informed consent), appropriate biobanks organization (secure IT system, encoding and data anonymization, access to data), supervisory systems (Ethics Committees and Research Committees) and legal norms concerning the storage, management and transfer of samples and data, and non-discrimination rules. The article presents population biobanks in selected European countries (UK, Spain, Estonia) in the context of donor rights in the process of biobanking.


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How to Cite
Pawlikowski, Jakub. 2012. “Donor Rights in Selected European Population Biobanks (in Polish)”. Diametros, no. 32 (June):91-109.
Special topic – Bioethics and genetics
Author Biography

Jakub Pawlikowski, Medical University of Lublin

Jakub Pawlikowski, MD, PhD Department of Ethics and Human Philosophy Medical University of Lublin Ul. Szkolna 18 20-124 Lublin e-mail:
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