God and human freedom in Schelling and Pannenberg

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Henryk Machoń


The article is an attempt to analyze the essence and limits of human freedom within the horizon of the question about God. Such diverse authors as Schelling and Pannenberg, selections of whose writings are the subject of the present considerations, do not take human freedom and God to be contradictory, as often has been the case since the times of the critique of religion in the 19th and 20th centuries; rather, they consider God to be the foundation of freedom, being its source and guarantee. Important reasons for engaging in reflection upon the problematic of human freedom in the context of the question about God are such issues as the idea of God, reality conceived as a system or process, acquaintance with the feeling of freedom, the essence of freedom understood as freedom of choice between good and evil and subjectivity, and the personal nature of man.

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How to Cite
“God and Human Freedom in Schelling and Pannenberg”. 2009. Diametros, no. 20 (June): 62-76. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.20.2009.344.

How to Cite

“God and Human Freedom in Schelling and Pannenberg”. 2009. Diametros, no. 20 (June): 62-76. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.20.2009.344.
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