The Bolzanian conception of objectless representations and its interpratation by K. Twardowski

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Piotr Nowara


In this paper I shall confront the Bolzanian theory of objectless representations with the way in which Kazimierz Twardowski interprets this conception in his habilitation thesis. Because of some early revealed difficulties this article is rather a starting point for further analysis than a detailed investigation of the problem itself. What turns out to be the reason of the difficulties is the fact that Twardowski misinterprets the fundamental concepts of the Bolzano’s Wissenschaftslehre which does not remain without influence on his own conception of representations.


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How to Cite
Nowara, Piotr. 2006. “The Bolzanian Conception of Objectless Representations and Its Interpratation by K. Twardowski”. Diametros, no. 8 (June):68-78.
Author Biography

Piotr Nowara

Piotr Nowara – student Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Autor artykułu Kategoria nosiciela w Logische Untersuchungen Gottloba Fregego.
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