Beyond the participant-researcher division: co-creating ethical relationships through care and rapport in studies of post-laryngectomy communication

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Joanna Komorowska-Mach
Adrianna Wojdat
Konrad Zieliński


This article presents the ethical implications for social science research emerging from our study on interpersonal communication after a laryngectomy. By tracing the evolution of our approach through specific research experiences and participant feedback, we provide empirical support for a flexible, multidimensional, and relational understanding of key ethical concepts, such as vulnerability and the researcher-participant relationship. Our approach has shifted from institutionally imposed rigid categorizations and somewhat stereotypical treatment of both the research group and the researcher-participant relationship to an emphasis on building relationships founded on mutual care and rapport. We argue that this revised perspective fosters ethical collaboration that is beneficial and secure for all parties involved, and we offer practical examples of its implementation in research practice.


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Komorowska-Mach, Joanna, Adrianna Wojdat, and Konrad Zieliński. 2024. “Beyond the Participant-Researcher Division: Co-Creating Ethical Relationships through Care and Rapport in Studies of Post-Laryngectomy Communication”. Diametros 21 (80):23-37.
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