Abandoning Truth is not a Solution. A Discussion with Richard Rorty

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Marcin Kilanowski


Richard Rorty suggests that we should stop looking for something common to us all, for universal justifi cations and truth. Rorty argues that focusing on a single truth sooner or later serves those who claim that there is a proper, true model of living. In the end, they use violence and cause pain, as they are driven by the idea that everyone should accept their truth. In this article I shall argue that such reasoning is not justifi ed and whether we are universalists or constructivists, our actions may be the same and cause pain. At the same time, having the same beliefs will not stop us from acting differently. What matters is how we use a particular concept in accordance with our interests and not the concept itself. I shall also argue that dialog can help to prevent violence and that while Rorty is right, there are also a number of problems with that proposition.

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How to Cite
“Abandoning Truth Is Not a Solution. A Discussion With Richard Rorty”. 2018. Diametros 16 (61): 34-50. https://doi.org/10.33392/diam.1243.
Author Biography

Marcin Kilanowski, The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Marcin Kilanowski
The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Faculty of Law and Administration
Department of Theory of Law and State
ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 3
87-100 Toruń

E-mail: markil@umk.pl

How to Cite

“Abandoning Truth Is Not a Solution. A Discussion With Richard Rorty”. 2018. Diametros 16 (61): 34-50. https://doi.org/10.33392/diam.1243.
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