The Many Faces of Conceptualism (in Polish)

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Piotr Kozak


A Review of Paweł Sikora’s Pojęciowa treść percepcji w filozofii nowożytnej, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 2016.

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How to Cite
“The Many Faces of Conceptualism (in Polish)”. 2018. Diametros, no. 57 (September): 88-100.
Author Biography

Piotr Kozak, University of Warsaw

Piotr Kozak, PhD
University of Warsaw
Institute of Philosophy
Krakowskie Przedmieście 3
00-927 Warsaw


How to Cite

“The Many Faces of Conceptualism (in Polish)”. 2018. Diametros, no. 57 (September): 88-100.
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