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Institutions, organizations and blogs

American Psychological Association Division 29 Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy – aims: “1. Providing a home for all psychologists and mental health professionals interested in psychotherapy. 2. Publishing Psychotherapy Bulletin, which provides news on both professional issues and those psychotherapists and psychotherapy researchers, educators, supervisors, and trainees in the vanguard of psychotherapy. 3. Influencing state and national legislation of benefit to both the public and psychology by disseminating information of the efficacy of psychotherapy. 4. Informs and educates the public, including legislators, about the value of psychotherapy as provided by licensed psychologists and other mental health professionals. 5. Addresses the training and practice concerns of doctoral students and post-doctoral residents preparing for careers in psychotherapy. 6. Serves the research and development function that emphasizes the critical importance of psychotherapy for health and mental health treatment and prevention. 7. Emphasizes the need to provide psychotherapy to diverse populations by fully qualified psychologists and other mental health professionals. 8. Involved with all aspects of psychotherapy: theory, research, practice and training. 9. Developed unique publications such as The History of Psychotherapy and the Children and Adolescents Treatment Brochure. 10. Moved rapidly to provide assistance and training and to collect research date during recent national crises and disasters such as the Gulf War, the Los Angeles riots, and Hurricane Andrew. 11. Encourages graduate student participation through columns in the Psychotherapy Bulletin and by annual awards to graduate students for psychotherapy research. 12. Values multimodal approaches in psychotherapy so consumers, students, and providers have the broadest array of efficacious alternative available.”

American Psychological Association Division 39 Psychoanalysis – “Our members represents the full diversity and vibrancy of contemporary psychoanalytic theory, research, and clinical practice. Our annual Spring Meeting sponsors more than 60 symposia and workshops highlighting the cutting edge of current psychoanalytic thinking. Members, including student members, receive each of three quarterly publications: Psychoanalytic Psychology, the Division's official journal; DIVISION/Review, a literary journal exploring current topics in the field, commentary, book and film reviews, and PsycSCAN: Psychoanalysis, APA's electronic digest of current psychoanalytic clinical and research literature. Members also receive InSight, a monthly electronic newsletter, with Division updates and information on psychoanalytic topics as presented in the media. The Division has about 30 Local Chapters in cities across the United States and Canada, and nine Sections representing members' broad interest in clinical practice, human development, women and gender issues, research, groups, family therapy and social action.”

Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy - "Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a leading international source for training, therapy, and resources in CBT. Our Center for Training delivers workshops to a worldwide audience of mental health professionals, researchers, and educators, and our Philadelphia-based Center for Psychotherapy provides state-of-the-art therapy and consultations."

Ethics & Malpractice - K.S. Pope

Psychotherapy Networker – “Psychotherapy Networker is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to offering practical guidance, creative inspiration, and community support to therapists around the world. Whether you want to stay informed about new ideas and current debates in the field, connect with colleagues who share your professional interests, or just keep the spirit of discovery alive and well in your work, Psychotherapy Networker provides indispensable guidance and resources for your practice.”

Zur Institute – “Our Mission at the Zur Institute: 1. To provide quality continuing education, training and free information for psychotherapists and other health-care professionals. 2. To offer information on health and wellness for the general public.”


Psychotherapy.net blog

The Ethical Therapist

The ethics of psychoanalysis

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