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Ethics and evidence in end of life decision making. Interdisciplinary perspectives – „End-of-life decision making has been subject of intensive normative as well as empirical analysis. Traditionally, the question of what constitutes a good end of life is dealt with in the field of normative ethics. However, socio-empirical and clinical research can deliver important information for ethical judgements about end-of-life practice. Moreover, an in creasing number of research studies focus on eliciting data which are relevant for ethical considerations near the end of life. In recent years several interventions have been developed which shall support practice and decision making in ethically difficult situations. The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers from different scientific fields in europe and the us who are currently conducting research which can further the understanding of end-of-life decision making and stimulate the development of interventions which may support patients, care-givers and healthcare professionals with ethically difficult decisions at the end of life”.

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