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Institutions and organizations

Aging with Dignity – „Aging with Dignity introduced Five Wishes in Florida in 1997, and a year later, to the nation. Dubbed “the living will with a heart and soul,” Five Wishes today meets the legal requirements in 42 states and has helped literally millions of people plan for and receive the kind of care they want. Five Wishes is unique among all other advance directives and living wills because it is user-friendly and easy to complete. Five Wishes Online was introduced in 2011, allowing people to complete Five Wishes on screen and print out a personalized document immediately. The document is available in 27 languages and in Braille”.

Caring Connections – „Caring Connections provides people with information and support when they are planning ahead, caring for a loved one, living with an illness or grieving a loss”.

Compassion & Choices – „Compassion & Choices is the leading nonprofit organization committed to helping everyone have the best death possible. We offer free counseling, planning resources, referrals and guidance, and across the nation we work to protect and expand options at the end of life”.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humanes Sterben – „Since being founded in 1980 the DGHS has battled for its major target, the realiziation of the human right of self-determination until the end of life. More than once it had to stand its ground against resistance. The DGHS' work is based on the concept of education and humanism closely connected to provisions for one's old age and to one's personal responsibility”.

Doyourownwill.com – „Doyourownwill.com™ was developed to assist those with simple estates create their own will online for free. Doyourownwill.com™ is unique in that it quickly delivers the documents right to the user’s desk through a patent-pending process. Since its inception, Doyourownwill.com™ has helped thousands acquire more information about estate planning and Will preparation and write their Wills”.

Dying with Dignity Canada – „We are a national, member-based charity committed to helping people achieve quality in dying. We help people understand all end-of-life options and work for choice in dying for all Canadians”.

End-of-life Law and Policy in Canada – „«End-of-life Law and Policy in Canada» is a website designed to serve as a source of information for the –public, healthcare providers, the media, and policy-makers. On this site, we provide information on advance directives, potentially life-shortening symptom relief, the withholding and withdrawal of potentially life-sustaining treatment, terminal sedation, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. Our goal is to contribute to understanding of and participation in public policy debates about some of the most pressing issues of our time – how ought we to care for the dying”.

Friends at the End – „Friends at the End is a members' democratic society, dedicated to promoting knowledge about end-of-life choices and dignified death. Friends at the End is a member of both the World Federation of Right to Die Societies, which links 46 Right to Die Societies in 25 countries, and Right to Die Europe, the World Federation's European Division. Together, these serve globally those working for individual rights to self-determination at life's end”.

Saves – The Living Will Society – „Saves – The Living Will Society Bases its Operation on the Following Principles:

  1. That death is inevitable for every human being. It is a natural consequence of life and ought to be as dignified and humane as possible.
  2. That in the event of terminal illness, or where there is no imminent and reasonable chance of recovery, the employment of artificial means to sustain life is pointless and only serves to prolong unnecessarily the distress of all concerned.
  3. That in such cases a humane and acceptable alternative should be used, in the form of an advance directive setting forth one's non-consent to artificial life support. Allowing death to occur naturally, through the withholding or withdrawal of artificial life-support systems, will not affect any life insurance policy, and is accepted by major religions worldwide. (Active euthanasia - "mercy-killing" and physician-assisted-suicide - does not receive the support of SAVES - The Living Will Society.)
  4. That every effort should be made to relieve the patient from any mental or physical pain and discomfort, even if medication administered exclusively for this purpose hastens the moment of death.
  5. That any life-support systems such as ventilators, respirators or other sophisticated and possibly costly medical techniques be used prudently to sustain life where there is a reasonable chance of recovery; not merely to postpone the moment of death and thereby prolong the agony and anguish of all concerned.
  6. That a mentally competent adult patient has the legal right to refuse medical treatment should he/she so wish, and in such instance the doctor is obliged to honour the patient's wishes”.

U.S. Living Will Registry – „Founded by Dr. Joseph Barmakian in 1996, the U.S. Living Will Registry is a privately held organization that electronically stores advance directives, organ donor information and emergency contact information, and makes them available to health care providers across the country 24 hours a day through an automated system. Our policies and procedures were developed in consultation with attorneys who represent hospitals. All health care providers have access to the documents and information, and privacy and confidentiality are always maintained”.

World Federation of Right to Die Societies – „The World Federation of Right to Die Societies, founded in 1980, consists of 49 right to die organizations from 26 countries. The Federation provides an international link for organizations working to secure or protect the rights of individuals to self-determination at the end of their lives”.

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