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Institutions, organizations and blogs

Association pour le Droit de mourir dans la dignité - Letzebuerg – „ADMD-L, Association pour le Droit de mourir dans la dignité - Letzebuerg” is an independent non-political, non-confessional body, defending the rights of every individual to determine his/her end of life treatment and wish for dying in dignity. Founded in 1988 by Dr Henri Clees, ADMDLcounts today some 900 members”.

Compassion & Choices – „Compassion & Choices is the leading nonprofit organization committed to helping everyone have the best death possible. We offer free counseling, planning resources, referrals and guidance, and across the nation we work to protect and expand options at the end of life”.

Dying with Dignity Canada – „We are a national, member-based charity committed to helping people achieve quality in dying. We help people understand all end-of-life options and work for choice in dying for all Canadians”.

EndLink – „EndLink was developed as an educational resource for people involved in end-of-life care. Rather than providing answers, we attempt here to offer frameworks for thinking about caring for dying individuals and their families”.

End-of-life Law and Policy in Canada – „«End-of-life Law and Policy in Canada» is a website designed to serve as a source of information for the –public, healthcare providers, the media, and policy-makers. On this site, we provide information on advance directives, potentially life-shortening symptom relief, the withholding and withdrawal of potentially life-sustaining treatment, terminal sedation, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. Our goal is to contribute to understanding of and participation in public policy debates about some of the most pressing issues of our time – how ought we to care for the dying”.

Final Exit Network – „We hold that mentally competent adults who suffer from a fatal or irreversible physical illness, from intractable physical pain, or from a constellation of chronic, progressive physical disabilities have a basic human right to choose to end their lives when they judge the quality of their life to be unacceptable”.

Friends at the End – „Friends at the End is a members' democratic society, dedicated to promoting knowledge about end-of-life choices and dignified death. Friends at the End is a member of both the World Federation of Right to Die Societies, which links 46 Right to Die Societies in 25 countries, and Right to Die Europe, the World Federation's European Division. Together, these serve globally those working for individual rights to self-determination at life's end”.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humanes Sterben – „Since being founded in 1980 the DGHS has battled for its major target, the realiziation of the human right of self-determination until the end of life. More than once it had to stand its ground against resistance. The DGHS' work is based on the concept of education and humanism closely connected to provisions for one's old age and to one's personal responsibility”.

Medical Futility Blog – „On this blog, Professor Thaddeus Pope tracks judicial, legislative, policy, and academic developments concerning medical futility and the limits on individual autonomy at the end of life”.

World Federation of Right to Die Societies – „The World Federation of Right to Die Societies, founded in 1980, consists of 49 right to die organizations from 26 countries. The Federation provides an international link for organizations working to secure or protect the rights of individuals to self-determination at the end of their lives”.

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