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International sites :  Definition of death :   :  Bioethics / Medical ethics :  Applied ethics and professional ethics :  Ethics :  back 

Press releases

Bioethicists Save Organ Donation by Tweaking the Definition of Death – Wired

Call to revamp death definition – BBC

Ethicists Debate New Definition of Death – New York Times

Jahi McMath Case Sparks Debate Over Definition Of Death – CBS

Legal Definition of Death Is Questioned in Florida Infant Case – New York Times

McMath and Muñoz cases challenge definition of death – NewScientist

Not quite dead?: The case for caution in the definition of "brain death" – Catholic Education Resource Center

What You Lose When You Sign That Donor Card – The Wall Street Journal

Why Hospitals And Families Still Struggle To Define Death – Shots

When 'life support' is really 'death support' – CNN

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