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Overviews of books

Brian T. Andrews, Intensive Care in Neurosurgery

Tom L. Beauchamp, Robert M. Veatch, Ethical issues in death and dying

Ben Bradley, Fred Feldman, Jens Johansson, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death

Norman L. Cantor, After We Die: The Life and Times of the Human Cadaver

Karen Grandstrand Gervais, Redefining Death

Michael F. Goodman, What Is a Person?

John F. Kilner, Edmund D. Pellegrino, Arlene B. Miller, Dignity and Dying: A Christian Appraisal

David Lamb, Death, Brain Death and Ethics

Steven Laureys, Nicholas D. Schiff, Adrian M. Owen, Coma Science Clinical and Ethical Implications

Steven Laureys, Giulio Tononi, The Neurology of Consciousness

John P. Lizza, Persons, Humanity, and the Definition of Death

Margaret Lock, Twice Dead: Organ Transplants and the Reinvention of Death (California Series in Public Anthropology

Steven Luper, The Philosophy of Death

Calixto Machado, Brain Death: A Reappraisal

Calixto Machado, D. Alan Shewmon, Brain Death and Disorders of Consciousness

Jeff McMahan, The Ethics of Killing: Problems at the Margins of Life

Franklin G. Miller, Robert D. Truog, Death, Dying, and Organ Transplantation

Christopher Pallis, ABC of Brainstem Death

Fred Plum, Jerome B. Posner, The Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma

Tom Russell, Brain Death: Philosophical Concepts and Problems

Jay F. Rosenberg, Thinking Clearly About Death

Bernard N. Schumacher, Death and Mortality in Contemporary Philosophy

Peter Singer, Rethinking Life and Death: The Collapse of Our Traditional Ethics

Stuart J. Youngner, The Definition of Death: Contemporary Controversies

Robert M. Veatch, Death, Dying, and the Biological Revolution

Robert M. Veatch, Transplantation Ethics

Hannelore Wass, Robert A. Neimeyer, Dying: Facing the Facts

William J. Winslade, Confronting Traumatic Brain Injury : Devastation, Hope, and Healing

Richard M. Zaner, Death: Beyond Whole-Brain Criteria

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