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Websites :  Patients rights :  Health care :  Bioethics / Medical ethics :  Applied ethics and professional ethics :  Ethics :  back 


  • Europe for Patients – a campaign, launched in September 2008, that highlights a series of different healthcare and patient related policy initiatives of the European Commission, contains a section on Patient safety

  • Health - EU – the Public Health Portal of the European Union

  • Patient safety – European Commission’s resourceful website on Public Health policy: key documents, legal tools, research projects

  • WHO on patients` rights – an introductory text from the World Health Organization website about patients’ rights with regard to genomics

  • Patient`s Bill of Rights – from the American Cancer Society website

  • Mental Health Bill Of Rights Project - a Joint Initiative of Mental Health Professional Organizations: Principles for the Provision of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Services

  • What Are my Rights as a Patient? – from the National Association for Home Care & Hospice website

  • A Patient`s Guide to the HIPAA Privacy Rule -  When Health Care Providers May Communicate About You with Your Family, Friends, or Others Involved In Your Care; Federal privacy regulations enforced by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  • A Guide to Understanding Informed Consent – a guide from the National Cancer Institute (U.S. National Institutes of Health) website

  • AMA Code of Medical Ethics – a part of the American Medical Association website on medical ethics containing frequently asked questions, important from the patients’ perspective and related to their rights

  • Patient Rights – the University of Rochester Medical Center website

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