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Anthony L. Brueckner, John Martin Fischer, Why Is Death Bad?

Center for Bioethics, University of Minnesota, End of Life Care: An Ethical Overview

Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Linda L. Emanuel, The Economics of Dying: The Illusion of Cost Savings at the End of Life

Fred Feldman, Some Puzzles About the Evil of Death

Claire M. McGowan, Legal Aspects of End-of-Life Care

Karen Hancock, Truth-telling in discussing prognosis in advanced life-limiting illnesses: a systematic review

Marilyn Kendall, et al., Key challenges and ways forward in researching the “good death”: qualitative in-depth interview and focus group study

Steven Laureysa, Fabien Perrind, Caroline Schnakersa, Melanie Bolya, Steve Majerusc, Residual cognitive function in comatose, vegetative and minimally conscious states

Jeff McMahan, Death and the Value of Life

The Multi-Society Task Force on PVS, Medical Aspects of the Persistent Vegetative State (I)

The Multi-Society Task Force on PVS, Medical Aspects of the Persistent Vegetative State (II)

Thomas Nagel, Death

Midred Z. Solomon, et al., Decisions Near the End of Life: Professional Views on Life-Sustaining Treatments

Richard Smith, A good death

Karen E. Steinhauser, et al., In Search of a Good Death: Observations of Patients, Families, and Providers

James Stevenson, et al., Managing comorbidities in patients at the end of life

Dennis M. Sullivan, End of Life Decisions 101

Andrew Thorns, http://www.rcpjournal.org/content/10/3/282.full

Tony Walter, Historical and cultural variants on the good death

Marjorie D. Wenrich, et al., Communicating With Dying Patients Within the Spectrum of Medical Care From Terminal Diagnosis to Death

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