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Overviews of books

Tom L. Beauchamp, Robert M. Veatch, Ethical issues in death and dying

Christopher Belshaw, Annihilation: The Sense and Significance of Death

Margaret Pabst Battin, Ending Life: Ethics and the Way We Die

Margaret Pabst Battin, The Least Worst Death: Essays in Bioethics on the End of Lifet

Ben Bradley, Well-Being and Death

Ben Bradley, Fred Feldman, Jens Johansson, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death

Jonathan Glover, Causing Death and Saving Lives: The Moral Problems of Abortion, Infanticide, Suicide, Euthanasia, Capital Punishment, War and Other Life-or-death Choices

Marilyn Jane Field, Christine K. Cassel, Approaching Death: Improving Care at the End of Life

John Fischer, The Metaphysics of Death

John F. Kilner, Edmund D. Pellegrino, Arlene B. Miller, Dignity and Dying: A Christian Appraisal

Helga Kuhse, The sanctity-of-life doctrine in medicine: a critique

Steven Luper, The Philosophy of Death

Jeff McMahan, The Ethics of Killing: Problems at the Margins of Life

Fiona Randall,Robert Silcock Downie, End of Life Choices: Consensus and Controversy

Bonnie Steinbock, Alastair Norcross, Killing and Letting Die

Timothy E. Quill, Caring for Patients at the End of Life: Facing an Uncertain Future Together

Timothy E. Quill, Death and Dignity: Making Choices and Taking Charge

Jay F. Rosenberg, Thinking Clearly About Death

Adrian Tomer, Grafton T. Eliason, Paul T. P. Wong, Existential and Spiritual Issues in Death Attitudes

Robert M. Veatch, Death, Dying, and the Biological Revolution: Our Last Quest for Responsibility

Mary Warnock, Elisabeth Macdonald, Easeful Death: Is There a Case for Assisted Dying

Marilyn Webb, The Good Death: The New American Search to Reshape the End of Life

Michael Young, Lesley Cullen, A Good Death: Conversations with East Londoners

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