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  Aertsen, J. A., - Thomas Aquinas on the Good: The Relation between Metaphysics and Ethics [w:] Aquinas’s Moral Theory: Essays in Honor of Norman Kretzmann Cornel University Press, 1999, s. 235–53. - ( M.P., )
  Aertsen, J. A., - The Convertibility of Being and Good in St. Thomas Aquinas , The New Scholasticism 59, no. 4 (1985) s. 449–470. - ( M.P., )
  Davies Brian - Introduction [w:] Aquinas Thomas On evil translated by Richard Regan, Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Brian Davies, Oxford University Press, New York 2003 - ( M.P., )
  Duska, R., - Aquinas’ Definition of The Good: Ethical-Theoretical Notes on De Veritate, Q. 21 , The Monist 58, s. 151–162. - ( M.P., )
  Geach, P. T., - Good and Evil , Analysis 17, no. 2 (1956), s. 33–42. - ( M.P., )
  Juros, H., - W sprawie tzw. subiektywnej definicji dobra , Roczniki Filozoficzne 22, no. 2 (1974), s. 47-62. - ( M.P., )
  Stump E., Kretzmann N. , - Being and Goodness [w:] B. Davies (red.), Thomas Aquinas. Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives, s. 295-323 Oxford University Press, 2002. - ( M.P., )
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