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Abortion :  Procreation :  Bioethics / Medical Ethics :  Ethics :  back 

Ethical Aspects

  Baird R.M., Rosenbaum S.E. (red.) - The Ethics of Abortion: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice, wyd. 3. rozszerzone Prometheus Books, Amherst 2001 - ( J. Ma, )
  Bajema C.E. - Abortion and the Meaning of Personhood Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 1974 - ( J. Ma, )
  Batchelor E., Jr. (red.) - Abortion: The Moral Issues Pilgrim Press, New York 1982 - ( J. Ma, )
  Beckwith F.J. - Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice Cambridge University Press, New York 2007 - ( J. Ma, )
  Beckwith F.J. - Politically Correct Death: Answering the Arguments for Abortion Rights Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 1993 - ( J. Ma, )
  Bennett B. (red.) - Abortion Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot 2004 - ( J. Ma, )
  Bohan J.F. - The House of Atreus: Abortion as a Human Rights Issue Praeger Publishers, Westport 1999 - ( J. Ma, )
  Bondeson W.B., Engelhardt H.T., Spicker S.F., Winship D.H. (red.) - Abortion and the Status of the Fetus D. Reidel Publishing Company, , Dordrecht 1983 - ( J. Ma, )
  Boonin D. - A Defense of Abortion Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2002 - ( J. Ma, )
  Brody B.A. - Abortion and the Sanctity of Life: A Philosophical View MIT Press , Cambridge Mass. 1975 - ( J. Ma, )
  Callahan D. - Abortion: Law, Choice, and Morality MacMillan Company, New York 1970 - ( J. Ma, )
  Callahan S., Callahan D. (red.) - Abortion: Understanding Differences Plenum Press, New York 1984 - ( J. Ma, )
  Carrick P. - Medical Ethics in the Ancient World Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C. 2001 - ( J. Ma, )
  Cohen M., Nagel T., Scanlon T. (red.) - The Rights and Wrongs of Abortion Princeton University Press, Princeton 1974
  Connery J.F. - Abortion: The Development of the Roman Catholic Perspective Loyola University Press, Chicago 1977 - ( J. Ma, )
  Dombrowski D.A., Deltete R. - A Brief, Liberal, Catholic Defense of Abortion University of Illinois Press, Urbana 2000 - ( J. Ma, )
  Dworkin R. - Life’s Dominion. An Argument about Abortion, Euthanasia, and Individual Freedom Vintage Books , New York 1994 - ( J. Ma, )
  Feinberg J. (red.) - The Problem of Abortion kolejne, zmienione i rozszerzone wyd.: 1984, 1997) Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont 1973 - ( J. Ma, )
  Garfield J.L., Hennessey P. (red.) - Abortion: Moral and Legal Perspectives University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst 1984 - ( J. Ma, )
  Geisler N.L., Moreland J.P. - The Life and Death Debate: Moral Issues of Our Time (rozdziaĹ‚ 2. Abortion, s. 25-42) Praeger Publishers, Westport 1990 - ( J. Ma, )
  Glendon M.A. - Abortion and Divorce in Western Law: American Failures, European Challenges Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass. 1987 - ( J. Ma, )
  Glover J. - Causing Death and Saving Lives Penguin Books , London 1977 - ( J. Ma, )
  Gorman M. - Abortion and the Early Church: Christian, Jewish, and Pagan Attitudes in the Greco-Roman World InterVarsity, Downers Grove 1982 - ( J. Ma, )
  Graber M.A. - Rethinking Abortion: Equal Choice, the Constitution, and Reproductive Politics Princeton University Press, Princeton 1996 - ( J. Ma, )
  Hadley J. - Abortion: Between Freedom and Necessity Temple University Press, Philadelphia 1996 - ( J. Ma, )
  Harrison B.W. - Our Right to Choose: Toward a New Ethic of Abortion Beacon Press, Boston 1983 - ( J. Ma, )
  Hilgers T.W., Horan D.J., Mall D. (red.) - New Perspectives on Human Abortion University Publications of America, Frederick 1981 , Frederick 1981 - ( J. Ma, )
  Hoffmeier J.K. (red.) - Abortion: A Christian Understanding and Response Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 1987 - ( J. Ma, )
  Hurley J.A. (red.) - The Ethics of Abortion Greenhaven Press, San Diego 2001 - ( J. Ma, )
  Johnston G.F. - Abortion from the Religious and Moral Perspective: An Annotated Bibliography Praeger Publishers, Westport 2003 - ( J. Ma, )
  Kamm F.M. - Creation and Abortion. A Study in Moral and Legal Philosophy Oxford University Press, New York 1992 - ( J. Ma, )
  Kapparis K. A. - Abortion in the Ancient World Duckworth Academic, London 2002 - ( J. Ma, )
  Keown D. (red.) - Buddhism and Abortion University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu 1999 - ( J. Ma, )
  Lee P. - Abortion and Unborn Human Life Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C. 1996
  Maguire D.C. - Sacred Choices: The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions Fortress Books , Minneapolis 2001 - ( J. Ma, )
  Maguire D.C. (red.) - Sacred Rights: The Case for Contraception and Abortion in World Religions Oxford University Press, New York 2003 - ( J. Ma, )
  McDonagh E.L. - Breaking the Abortion Deadlock: From Choice to Consent Oxford University Press , New York 1996 - ( J. Ma, )
  McMahan J. - The Ethics of Killing. Problems at the Margins of Life Oxford University Press, New York 2002 - ( J. Ma, )
  Mensch E., Freeman A. - - The Politics of Virtue: Is Abortion Debatable? Duke University Press, Durham 1993 - ( J. Ma, )
  Noonan J.T., Jr. (red.) - Morality of Abortion: Legal and Historical Perspectives Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1970 - ( J. Ma, )
  Pojman L.P., Beckwith F.J. (red.) - The Abortion Controversy 25 Years After Roe vs. Wade: A Reader Wadsworth, Belmont 1998 - ( J. Ma, )
  Reiman J.H. - Abortion and the Ways we Value Human Life Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham 1999 - ( J. Ma, )
  Rudy K. - Beyond Pro-Life and Pro-Choice: Moral Diversity in the Abortion Debate Beacon Press, Boston 1996 - ( J. Ma, )
  Schiff D. - Abortion in Judaism Cambridge University Press , Cambridge 2002
  Schwartz L.M. - Arguing about Abortion Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont 1993 - ( J. Ma, )
  Schwarz S.D. - The Moral Question of Abortion Loyola University Press, Chicago 1990 - ( J. Ma, )
  Steinbock B. - Life Before Birth: The Moral and Legal Status of Embryos and Fetuses Oxford University Press, Oxford 1992
  Sumner L.W. - Abortion and Moral Theory Princeton University Press, Oxford 1981 - ( J. Ma, )
  Tooley M. - Abortion and Infanticide Clarendon Press, Oxford 1983 - ( J. Ma, )
  Watkins Ch. (red.) - The Ethics of Abortion Greenhaven Press , Farmington Hills 2005 - ( J. Ma, )
  Wennberg R.N. - Life in the Balance: Exploring the Abortion Controversy Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids 1985 - ( J. Ma, )
  Wenz P.S. - Abortion Rights as Religious Freedom Temple University Press, Philadelphia 1992 - ( J. Ma, )
  Barnhart M.G. - Buddhism and the Morality of Abortion , Journal of Buddhist Ethics (5) 1998, ss. 276-297. - ( J. Ma, )
  Beckwith F.J. - A Critical Appraisal of the Theological Arguments for Abortion Rights , Bibliotheca Sacra (148), ss. 337-355. - ( J. Ma, )
  Beckwith F.J. - Defending Abortion Philosophically: A Review of David Boonin’s A Defense of Abortion , The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (31) 2006, ss. 177-203. - ( J. Ma, )
  Beckwith F.J. - The Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade, and Abortion Law , Liberty University Law Review (1) 2006, ss. 37-72. - ( J. Ma, )
  Beckwith F.J. - Thomson’s „Equal Reasonableness” Argument for Abortion Rights: A Critique , American Journal of Jurisprudence (49) 2004, ss. 118-134. - ( J. Ma, )
  Belshaw Ch. - Abortion, Value and the Sanctity of Life , Bioethics (11) 1997, ss.130-150. - ( J. Ma, )
  Boonin D. - A Defense of „A Defense of Abortion”: On the Responsibility Objection to Thomson's Argument , Ethics (107) 199, ss.286-313. - ( J. Ma, )
  Boonin D. - Against the Golden Rule Argument Against Abortion , Journal of Applied Philosophy (14) 1997, ss.187-197. - ( J. Ma, )
  Boonin D. - Death Comes for the Violinist: On Two Objections to Thomson’s Defense of Abortion , Social Theory and Practice (23) 1997, ss. 329-364. - ( J. Ma, )
  Brody B. - Thomson on Abortion , Philosophy and Public Affairs (1) 1972, ss. 335-340. - ( J. Ma, )
  Callahan D. - How Technology is Reframing the Abortion Debate , Hastings Center Report (16) 1986, ss. 33-42. - ( J. Ma, )
  Davis N. - Abortion and Self-Defense , Philosophy and Public Affairs (13) 1984, ss. 175-207. - ( J. Ma, )
  Davis N. - The Abortion Debate: The Search for Common Ground , Ethics (103) 1993, nr 3, ss. 516-539 (część I) oraz nr 4, - ( J. Ma, )
  Engelhardt H.T., Jr. - The Ontology of Abortion , Ethics (84) 1974, ss. 217-234. - ( J. Ma, )
  English J. - Abortion and the Concept of a Person , Canadian Journal of Philosophy (5) 1975, ss. 233-243. - ( J. Ma, )
  Feinberg J. - Abortion, w: idem, Freedom and Fulfillment: Philosophical Essays Princeton University Press, Princeton 1992, ss. 37-75. - ( J. Ma, )
  Finnis J. - Abortion and Health Care Ethics w: Bioethics. An Anthology, red. H. Kuhse i P. Singer, wyd. 2. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2007, ss. 17-24. - ( J. Ma, )
  Finnis J. - The rights and wrongs of abortion: a reply to Judith Thomson , Philosophy and Public Affairs (2) 1973, ss.117-145. - ( J. Ma, )
  Fischer J.M. - Abortion and Self-Determination , Journal of Social Philosophy (22) 1991, ss. 5-13. - ( J. Ma, )
  Fischer J.M. - Abortion, Autonomy, and Control over One’s Body , Social Philosophy and Policy (20) 2003, ss.286-306. - ( J. Ma, )
  Gelfand S.D. - Marquis: A Defense of Abortion? , Bioethics (15) 2001, ss. 135-145. - ( J. Ma, )
  Gensler H.J. - A Kantian Argument Against Abortion , Philosophical Studies (48) 1985, ss. 57-72. - ( J. Ma, )
  Gordon J.-S. - Abortion w: The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy , - ( J. Ma, )
  Hare R.M. - Abortion and the Golden Rule , Philosophy and Public Affairs (4) 1975, ss. 201-222. - ( J. Ma, )
  Hare R.M. - A Kantian Approach to Abortion , Social Theory and Practice (15) 1989, ss. 1-14. - ( J. Ma, )
  Hursthouse R. - Virtue Theory and Abortion , Philosophy and Public Affairs (20) 1991, ss. 223-246. - ( J. Ma, )
  Little M.O. - Abortion, w: A Companion to Applied Ethics, red. R.G. Frey i Ch.H. Wellman Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2003, ss. 313-325.
  Little M.O. - Abortion, Intimacy, and the Duty to Gestate , Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (2) 1999, ss. 295-312. - ( J. Ma, )
  Lovering R.P. - Does a Normal Fetus Really Have a Future of Value? A Reply to Marquis , Bioethics (19) 2005:, ss.131-145. - ( J. Ma, )
  Marquis D. - An Argument That Abortion Is Wrong, w: Ethics in Practice: An Anthology, red. H. LaFollette, wyd. 2 Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2002, ss. 83-93. - ( J. Ma, )
  Marquis D. - Why Abortion is Immoral , The Journal of Philosophy (76) 1989, ss. 183-202.
  McMahan J. - The Right to Choose an Abortion , Philosophy and Public Affairs (22) 1993, ss. 331-348. - ( J. Ma, )
  Meyers Ch.D. - Abortion, the Golden Rule, and the Indeterminacy of Potential Persons , The Journal of Value Inquiry (39) 2005, ss. 459-473. - ( J. Ma, )
  Noonan J.T., Jr. - An Almost Absolute Value in History, w: The Morality of Abortion: Legal and Historical Perspectives, red. J.T. Noonan, Jr. Harvard University Press , Cambridge, Mass. 1970, ss. 51-59. - ( J. Ma, )
  Pavlischek K. - Abortion Logic and Paternal Responsibilities: One More Look at Judith Thomson’s Argument and a Critique of David Boonin-Vail’s Defense of It, w: The Abortion Controversy 25 Years After Roe vs. Wade: A Reader, red. L.P. Pojman, F.J. Beckwith Wadsworth, Belmont 1998, ss. 176-199. - ( J. Ma, )
  Quinn W. - Abortion:Identity and loss , Philosophy and Public Affairs (13) 1984, ss. 24-54. - ( J. Ma, )
  Ramsey P. - The Morality of Abortion, w: Moral Problems: A Collection of Philosophical Essays, wyd. 2., red. J. Rachels Harper & Row, New York 1975, ss. 37-58. - ( J. Ma, )
  Ross S.L. - Abortion and the Death of the Fetus , Philosophy and Public Affairs (11) 1982, ss. 232-245. - ( J. Ma, )
  Sher G. - Hare, Abortion, and the Golden Rule , Philosophy and Public Affairs (6),1977, ss. 185-190. - ( J. Ma, )
  Stretton D. - The Argument from Intrinsic Value: A Critique , Bioethics (14) 2000, ss. 228-239. - ( J. Ma, )
  Stretton D. - The Deprivation Argument Against Abortion , Bioethics (18) 2004, ss. 144-180. - ( J. Ma, )
  Thomson J.J. - Abortion , Boston Review (20/3) 1995 - ( J. Ma, )
  Thomson J.J. - A Defense of Abortion , Philosophy and Public Affairs (1) 1971, ss. 47-66. - ( J. Ma, )
  Thomson J.J. - Rights and Deaths , Philosophy and Public Affairs (2) (1973), ss. 146-159. - ( J. Ma, )
  Tooley M. - Abortion and Infanticide , Philosophy and Public Affairs (2) 1972, ss. 37-65. - ( J. Ma, )
  Warren M.A. - On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion , Monist (57) 1973, ss. 43-61. - ( J. Ma, )
  Wendler D. - Understanding the „Conservative View On Abortion” , Bioethics (13) 1999, ss. 32-56. - ( J. Ma, )
  Wertheimer R. - Understanding the Abortion Argument , Philosophy and Public Affairs (1) 1971, ss. 67-95. - ( J. Ma, )
  Wilson B. - On a Kantian Argument against Abortion , Philosophical Studies (53) 1988, ss.119-130. - ( J. Ma, )
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