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The Problem of “Dirty Hands”

  Nagel T. - Wojna i masakra [w:] Tegoż, Pytania ostateczne, tÅ‚um. A. Romaniuk, Fundacja Aletheia, Warszawa, 1997, s. 71-95. - ( T.Ku., )
  Nagel T. - BezwzglÄ™dność w życiu publicznym [w:] Tegoż, Pytania ostateczne, tÅ‚um. A. Romaniuk, Fundacja Aletheia, Warszawa, 1997, s. 97-115. - ( T.Ku., )
  Stocker M. - Dirty Hands and Ordinary Life [w:] Tegoż, Plural and Conflicting Values, Oxford University Press, 1989. - ( T.Ku., )
  Weber M. - Polityka jako zawód i powoÅ‚anie [w:] Tenże, Polityka jako zawód i powoÅ‚anie, ZNAK, Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego, Kraków, Warszawa, 1998. - ( T.Ku., )
  Brandt R. B. - Utilitarianism and the Rules of War , Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1972, s. 145-165. - ( T.Ku., )
  Calhoun L. - The Problem of “Dirty Hands” and Corrupt Leadership , The Independent Review, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 2004, s. 363–385. - ( T.Ku., )
  Coady C. A. - Polityka a sprawa brudnych rÄ…k [w:] Przewodnik po etyce, red. P. Singer, red. naukowa wyd. polskiego J. Górnicka, Książka i Wiedza, Warszawa 1998, s. 420-431. - ( T.Ku., )
  Coady C. A. - Terrorism, Morality and Supreme Emergency , Ethics Ethics, Vol. 114, 2004, s. 772-789. - ( T.Ku., )
  Cunningham A. P. - The Moral Importance of Dirty Hands , Journal of Value Inquiry, Vol. 26, 1992, s. 239-250. - ( T.Ku., )
  de Wijze S. - The real issues concerning dirty hands – a response to Kai Nielsen , South African Journal of Philosophy, Nov 96, Vol. 15, Issue 4, s. 149. - ( T.Ku., )
  Digeser P. - Forgiveness and Politics: Dirty Hands and Imperfect Procedures , Political Theory, Vol. 26, No. 5. (Oct., 1998), s. 700-724. - ( T.Ku., )
  Gaus G. F. - Dirty Hands [w:] A Companion to Applied Ethics, ed. R. G. Frey and C. H. Wellman, Blackwell, Oxford 2003. - ( T.Ku., )
  Hare R. M. - Rules of War and Moral Reasoning , Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1972, s. 166-181. - ( T.Ku., )
  Nielsen K. - There is No Dilemma of Dirty Hands , South African Journal of Philosophy, Feb. 96, Vol. 15, Issue 1, s.1. - ( T.Ku., )
  Nielsen K. - There is No Dilemma of Dirty Hands. Response to Stephen de Wijze , South African Journal of Philosophy, Nov. 96, Vol. 15, Issue 4, s. 155. - ( T.Ku., )
  Ramsay M. - Machiavellianism [w:] Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, ed. D. Callahan, P. Singer, R. Chadwick, Academic Press, 1998. - ( T.Ku., )
  Walzer M. - Political Action: The Problem of Dirty Hands , Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 2, (Winter, 1973), s. 160-180. - ( T.Ku., )
  Williams B. - Politics and Moral Character [w:] Public & Private Morality, ed. S. Hampshire, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Port Chester, Sydney, Melbourne, 1978. - ( T.Ku., )
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