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Main divisions
Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide :  Death and Dying :  Bioethics / Medical Ethics :  Ethics :  back 

Legal Aspects

  Biggs H. - Euthanasia. Death with Dignity and the Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford 2001 - ( J. Ma, )
  Griffiths J., Bood A., Weyers H. - Euthanasia and Law in the Netherlands, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 1998 - ( J. Ma, )
  Keown J. - Euthanasia, Ethics and Public Policy. An Argument Against Legalisation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2002 - ( J. Ma, )
  Otlowski M. - Voluntary Euthanasia and the Common Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000 - ( J. Ma, )
  Bosshard G., Fischer S., BĂ€r W. - Open regulation and practice in assisted dying. How Switzerland compares with the Netherlands and Oregon , „Swiss Medical Weekly” (132) 2002: 527-534 - ( J. Ma, )
  Hurst S.A., Mauron A. - Assisted suicide and euthanasia in Switzerland: allowing a role for non-physicians , „British Medical Journal” (326) 2003: 271-273 - ( J. Ma, )
  Kamisar Y. - Some non-religious views against proposed mercy-killing legislation , „Minnesota Law Review” (42) 1958: 969-1042 - ( J. Ma, )
  Nesterowicz M. - Prawo do godnej ƛmierci w ustawodawstwie StanĂłw Zjednoczonych , PaƄstwo i Prawo 1986 r., nr 2, s. 97 – 101. - ( M.ƚ., K.B.-R., )
  Schwarzenegger Ch., Summers S.J. - Criminal Law and Assisted Suicide in Switzerland. Hearing with the Select Committee on the Assisted Dying for the terminally Ill Bill, House of Lords, Zurich 3 February 2005 - ( J. Ma, )
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