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Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide :  Death and Dying :  Bioethics / Medical Ethics :  Ethics :  back 

Medical Ethics

  Callahan D. - The Troubled Dream of Life. In Search of a Peaceful Death, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C. 2000 - ( J. Ma, )
  Dworkin R. - Life’s Dominion. An Argument about Abortion, Euthanasia, and Individual Freedom, Vintage Books, New York 1994 - ( J. Ma, )
  Glover J. - Causing Death and Saving Lives, Penguin Books, London 1988 - ( J. Ma, )
  Kuhse H. - The Sanctity-of-Life Doctrine in Medicine. A Critique, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1987
  Kuhse H., Singer P. - Should the Baby Live? The Problem of Handicapped Infants, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1985 - ( J. Ma, )
  Rachels J. - The End of Life. Euthanasia and Morality, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1986 - ( J. Ma, )
  Brock D.W. - Voluntary Active Euthanasia , „Hastings Center Report” (22) 1992: 10-22 - ( J. Ma, )
  Callahan D. - When Self-Determination Runs Amok , „Hastings Center Report” (22) 1992: 52-55 - ( J. Ma, )
  Dresser R. - Dworkin on Dementia: Elegant Theory, Questionable Policy, w: Bioethics. An Anthology, red. H. Kuhse, P. Singer, Blackwell, Oxford 1999, s. 312-320 - ( J. Ma, )
  Foot P. - Euthanasia , „Philosophy and Public Affairs” (6) 1977: 85-112 - ( J. Ma, )
  Hardwig J. - Is There a Duty to Die? , w: Bioethics. An Anthology, red. H. Kuhse i P. Singer, Blackwell, Oxford 1999, s. 339-347 - ( J. Ma, )
  Kuhse H. - A Modern Myth: That Letting Die is not the Intentional Causation of Death, w: Bioethics. An Anthology, red. H. Kuhse i P. Singer, Blackwell, Oxford 1999, s.255-268 - ( J. Ma, )
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