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[przegląd stron zagranicznych]

Instytucje i organizacje – Institutions and Organizations

Privacy.Org – „Privacy.Org is the site for daily news, information, and initiatives on privacy. This web page is a joint project of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and Privacy International.”

Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) – “EPIC is a public interest research center in Washington, D.C. It was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional values”.

Privacy International (PI) – “Privacy International is a human rights group formed in 1990 as a watchdog on surveillance by governments and corporations. PI is based in London, England, and has an office in Washington, D.C. PI has conducted campaigns throughout the world on issues ranging from wiretapping and national security activities, to ID cards, video surveillance, data matching, police information systems, and medical privacy.”

Privacy Commission – “the Privacy Commission are a non-profit organisation run by a group of volunteers - working towards educating people about privacy, and how they can keep their personal information safe”.

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Information Security and Privacy - “The OECD Working Party on Information Security and Privacy (WPISP) (...) develops policy options to sustain trust in the Internet Economy, working in areas such as: Critical Information Infrastructure (CII)Digital Identity Management (IDM) and e-authenticationMalware, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) and sensor networksThe OECD Privacy Guidelines, Protecting children onlinePrivacy law enforcement co-operation”.

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) – “CPSR is a global organization promoting the responsible use of computer technology. Founded in 1981, CPSR educates policymakers and the public on a wide range of issues. CPSR has incubated numerous projects such as Privaterra, the Public Sphere Project, EPIC (the Electronic Privacy Information Center), the 21st Century Project, the Civil Society Project, and the CFP (Computers, Freedom & Privacy) Conference. Originally founded by U.S. computer scientists, CPSR now has members in 26 countries on six continents.”

EU data protection page – European Commission, Directorate-General Justice

Czasopisma – Journals

Privacy Journal - The monthly newsletter was founded in 1974 by Robert Ellis Smith.

Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality – “The Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality is an open-access multi-disciplinary journal whose purpose is to facilitate the coalescence of research methodologies and activities in the areas of privacy, confidentiality, and disclosure limitation. The JPC seeks to publish a wide range of research and review papers, not only from academia, but also from government (especially official statistical agencies) and industry, and to serve as a forum for exchange of views, discussion, and news. The JPC is supported in part by the Department of Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University and is hosted on Carnegie Mellon's Research Showcase, which is part of the Digital Commons initiative powered by the Berkeley Electronic Press.”

IEEE Security & Privacy – “IEEE Security & Privacy's primary objective is to stimulate and track advances in security, privacy, and dependability and present these advances in a form that can be useful to a broad cross-section of the professional community - ranging from academic researchers to industry practitioners.”

Hasła encyklopedyczne – Encyclopedia entries

Privacy – Wikipedia

Information privacy – Wikipedia

Financial privacy – Wikipedia

Internet privacy – Wikipedia

Medical privacy – Wikipedia

Political privacy – Wikipedia

Anonymity – Wikipedia

Data security – Wikipedia

Identity theft – Wikipedia

Surveillance – Wikipedia

Przeglądy aktów prawnych – Overviews of legislative documents

Privacy law – Wikipedia

Privacy Act of 1974 (US) – Wikipedia

Privacy Act of 1974 (US) – Wikipedia

Electronic Communications Privacy Act (US) – Wikipedia

Privacy Act 1988 (Australia) – Wikipedia

Data Protection Directive (EU) – Wikipedia

Data Protection Act 1998 (UK) – Wikipedia

Personality rights – Wikipedia

Data protection (privacy) laws in Russia – Wikipedia

The Right of Privacy – from the site Exploring  Constitutional Law by Doug Linder (2010)

Privacy – Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute (LII)

PRIVACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS - An International Survey of Privacy Laws and Practice, written by Privacy International with a grant provided by the Open Society Institute.

Privacy and Human Rights 2003: Overview


The Right to Privacy – information about the status of the right to privacy in the United Kingdom on the website Your Rights maintained by Liberty (The National Council for Civil Liberties).

Prezentacje książek – Overviews of books

Adam Carlyle Breckenridge, The Right to Privacy

Vincent J. Samar, The Right to Privacy: Gays, Lesbians, and the Constitution

Brandon Garrett, The Right to Privacy

David L. Hudson, Jr., The Right to Privacy

Artykuły - Articles

Reijo Aarnio, THE INDIVIDUALS´ AWARENESS OF THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY, The 26th International Conference on Privacy and Personal Data Protection, Wroclaw, 14.9. 2004

Randall P. Bezanson, The Right to Privacy Revisited: Privacy, News, and Social Change, 1890-1990

Andrew S. Chiu, The Ethics of Internet Privacy (April 7, 2000)

Vincent Deguzman, Computer Security Ethics and Privacy

Kenneth W. Goodman, PhD, Privacy, Confidentiality, Law and Ethics

Peter Michael, The right to privacy and the protection of public security - A struggle?

Nick Taylor, State Surveillance and the Right to Privacy, Surveillance & Society 1(1): 66-85

Samuel D. Warren, Louis D. Brandeis, The Right to Privacy, Harvard Law Review. Vol. IV December 15, 1890 No. 5

Projekty badawcze i konferencje – Research projects and conferences

PRIVIREAL – „project examining the implementation of the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC in relation to medical research and the role of ethics committees” (finished in 2005)

Computers, Freedom and Privacya series of annual conferences from 1991

Kazusy - Cases

Griswold v. Connecticut – Wikipedia (“Griswold v. Connecticut ... was a landmark case in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Constitution protected a right to privacy”).

Ten telling privacy cases - Gary Slapper, From The Times, October 15, 2008

Supreme Court Decisions on Liberty

Category: English privacy law cases – Wikipedia

Privacy: Key Cases - Internet Law Treatise

[przegląd stron krajowych]

Instytucje i organizacje

Fundacja Panoptykon - Fundacja Panoptykon powstała w kwietniu 2009 r. z inicjatywy czwórki prawników, aby działać na rzecz ochrony praw człowieka w kontekście rozwoju tego, co określamy mianem „społeczeństwa nadzorowanego”.

hasła encyklopedyczne

Prywatność – Wikipedia

Poufność – Wikipedia

Ochrona danych osobowych – Wikipedia

Polityka prywatności – Wikipedia

prezentacje książek

Joanna Braciak, Prawo do prywatności

artykuły i opinie

Ewa Łętowska, PRAWO DO PRYWATNOŚCI W EUROPIE, Materiały edukacyjne przygotowane w ramach programu Socrates Grundtvig Action 1, “Law through Experience” / 116881-CP-1-2004-SK-GRUNDTVIG-G11

Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Prawo do prywatności ofiar i sprawców? (16.03.2010)

Bartosz Rodak, Prawo do prywatności w walce z terroryzmem

Helena Szewczyk, Prawo do prywatności a ujawnianie danych o wynagrodzeniu pracownika, Monitor Prawniczy 6/2001

Michał Szczepanek, Radca Prawny, Prawo pracownika do prywatności a monitoring w miejscu pracy

Konferencje, debaty, sesje

Kongres Praw Obywatelskich: PRAWO DO PRYWATNOŚCI, informacja o panelu poświęconym realizacji prawa do prywatności w warunkach społeczeństwa informacyjnego, zamieszczona na stronie Fundacji Panoptykon

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