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  Andrzejuk, A. - Funkcjonowane uczuć i sprawnoÅ›ci w podejmowaniu decyzji , Studia Philosophie Christianae no. 1 (1997) s. 118-123. - ( M.P., )
  Gallagher D. M. - Thomas Aquinas on the Will as Rational Appetite , Journal of the History of Philosophy 29 (1991), s. 559–559. - ( M.P., )
  Gallagher D. M. - The Will and Its Acts (Ia IIae qq. 6-17) [w:] S.J. Pope (red.), The Ethics of Aquinas , Georgetown University Press Washington DC, 2002, s. 69-89. - ( M.P., )
  Hause, J. - Thomas Aquinas and the Voluntarists , Medieval Philosophy and Theology 6 (1997), s. 167–82. - ( M.P., )
  Irwin, T. H. - Who discovered the Will? (1992), s. 453–473. , Philosophical Perspectives (1992), s. 453–473. - ( M.P., )
  Lottin, O. - Le libre arbitre chez saint Thomas d’Aquin , Revue Thomiste no. 34 (1929), s. 129-159. - ( M.P., )
  Verbeke, G. - Le développement de la vie volitive d’apres saint Thomas , Revue philosophique de Louvain 56 (1958), s. 5–34. - ( M.P., )
  Westberg, D. - Did Aquinas Change His Mind About the Will? , The Thomist 58, no. 1 (1994), s. 41–60. - ( M.P., )
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