An Online Philosophy Service

at the Institute of Philosophy    of the Jagiellonian University

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Philosophy Internet Portals
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International sites :  Euthanasia and assisted suicide :   :  Bioethics / Medical ethics :  Applied ethics and professional ethics :  Ethics :  back 

Legislative documents

An act relating to patient choice and control at end of life – Vermont State Legislature

Assisted Dying Bill [HL] – www.publications.parliament.uk

Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill – Scottish Parliament

Oregon Death with Dignity Act – Wikipedia

State-by-State Guide to Physician-Assisted Suicide – ProCon.org

The Rodriguez Case: Review of the Supreme Court of Canada Decision on Assisted Suicide – Margaret Smith

Case Of Pretty v. The United Kingdom – European Court of Human Rights

When Death is Sought – The New York State Report on Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide

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