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Etyka :  Tomasz z Akwinu :  Filozofia Å›redniowieczna :  powrót 

Dobro i zło w ludzkim działaniu

  Borowski A. - O sumieniu. Studium teologicznomoralne , WÅ‚ocÅ‚awek 1928 - ( A.A., )
  Finnis John - Moral Absolutes: Tradition, Revision, and Truth The Catholic University Press, Washington 1991
  Kaczor Christopher Robert - Proportionalism and the Natural Law Tradition. The Catholic University Press, Washington 2002
  Kaczor Christopher Robert (ed.) - Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000
  Kozubski Z. - Geneza i istota sumienia , Lwów 1922 - ( A.A., )
  Krokos Jan - Sumienie jako poznanie: fenomenologiczne dopeÅ‚nienie Tomaszowej nauki o sumieniu , Warszawa 2004 - ( A.A., )
  Leclercq J. - La philosophie morale de saint Thomas devant pensée contemporaine , Louvain 1955 - ( A.A., )
  Connery John - Catholic Ethics: Has the Norm for Rule-Making Changed? [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 232-250.
  Davies Brian - Introduction [w:] Aquinas Thomas On evil translated by Richard Regan, Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Brian Davies, Oxford University Press, New York 2003 - ( M.P., )
  Fuchs Josef - The Absoluteness of Moral Terms [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 60-99.
  Grisez Germain - Against Consequentialism [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 239-294.
  Grisez Germain - Moral Absolutes: A Critique of the View of Josef Fuchs, S.J. [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 155-201.
  Janssens Louis - Ontic Evil and Moral Evil [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 100-147.
  Kaczor Christopher Robert - Proportionalism and the Pill: How Develop¬ments in Theory Lead to Contradictions to Practice [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 466-476.
  Kiely Bartholomew M. - The Impractality of Proportionalism [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 436-465.
  Knauer Peter - The Hermeneutical Function of the Principle of Double Effect [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 25-59.
  Matthews Gareth B. - Saint Thomas and the Principle of Double Effect [in:] S. MacDonald and E. Stump (eds.), Aquinas's Moral Theory: Essays in Honor of Norman Kretzmann. Cornell University Press, Ithaca 1998 ss.63-78.
  McCormick Richard - Ambiguity in Moral Choice [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 166-214.
  Porter Jean - Moral Rules and Moral Actions: A Comparison of Aquinas and Modern Moral Theology , Journal of Religious Ethics 1989 17 (1), ss. 123-149.
  Quay Paul - Morality by Calculation of Values [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 215-238.
  Rhonheimer, Martin - «Intrinsically Evil Act» and the Moral Viewpoint: Clarifying a Central Teaching of Veritatis Splendor [in:] M. Rhonheimer (edited by W.F. Murphy), The Perspective of the Acting Person: Essays in the Renewal of Thomistic Moral Philosophy. The Catholic University Press, Washington 2008 ss. 37-67.
  Vacek Edward V. - Proportionalism: One View of the Debate [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 406-435.
  Walter J. James - Proportionate Reason and its Three Levels of Inquiry: Structuring the Ongoing Debate [in:] C.R. Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: For and Against. Marquette University Press, 2000 ss. 393-405.
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