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Etyka :  Tomasz z Akwinu :  Filozofia Å›redniowieczna :  powrót 

Struktura ludzkiego działania

  McInerny, R. M. - Aquinas on Human Action: A Theory of Practice, Catholic University of America Press, 1992. - ( M.P., )
  Pilsner Joseph - The Specification of Human Actions in St Thomas Aquinas Oxford University Press, 2006
  Salem Eric - In Pursuit of the Good: Intellect and Action in Aristotle's Ethics Paul Dry Books, 2010
  Chappell, Timothy - What Have I Done? , Diametros Vol. 38 2013, ss. 86-112.
  Donagan, A. - Thomas Aquinas on human action [w:] The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy; Kretzmann N., Kenny A., Pinborg, J. (red.) Cambridge University Press, 1982, s. 642–654. - ( M.P., )
  Finnis, J., M. - Object and Intention in Moral Judgments According to Aquinas , The Thomist 55 (1991), s. 1-28. - ( M.P., )
  Gallagher D. M. - The Will and Its Acts (Ia IIae qq. 6-17) [w:] S.J. Pope (red.), The Ethics of Aquinas , Georgetown University Press Washington DC, 2002, s. 69-89. - ( M.P., )
  Pinckaers, S. T. - La structure de l’acte humaine suivant St. Thomas d’Aquin , Revue Thomiste 55 (1955), s. 393–412. - ( M.P., )
  Rhonheimer, Martin - Intentional Actions and the Meaning of Object: A Reply to Richard McCormick [in:] M. Rhonheimer, The Perspective of the Acting Person: Essays in Renewal of Thomistic Moral Philosophy, edited by William F. Murphy, Jr. The Catholic University Press, Washington 2008 ss. 68-94.
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