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Global Justice :  Topics and Concepts :  Ethics :  back 

Peter Singer

  Hardin Garrett - Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor, "Psychology Today", (8) 1974, str. 38-43 - ( Mi.S., )
  Jamieson Dale - Duties to the Distant: Aid, Assistance and Intervention in the Developing World, "The Journal of Ethics", (9) 2005, str. 151-170 - ( Mi.S., )
  Kuper Andrew - More Than Charity: Cosmopolitan Alternatives to the ”Singer Solution”, "Ethics and International Affairs", (16/1) 2002, ss. 107-120 - ( Mi.S., )
  McGinn Colin - Our duties to Animals and the Poor, (w:) Singer and His Critics, D. Jamieson (ed.), Blackwell 1999, str. 150-161 - ( Mi.S., )
  Peterson Martin - Foreign Aid and the Moral Value of Freedom, "Ethical Theory and Moral Practice", (7) 2004, str. 293-307 - ( Mi.S., )
  Singer Peter - Famine, Affluence, and Morality, “Philosophy and Public Affairs”, (1/3) 1972, str. 229-243 - ( Mi.S., )
  Singer Peter - Rights and the Market, (w:) Justice and Economic Distribution, J. Arthur (ed.), W.H. Shaw (ed.), Prentience-Hall 1978, str. 207-220 - ( Mi.S., )
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