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Global Justice :  Topics and Concepts :  Ethics :  back 


  Beitz Charles R. - Political Theory and International Relations, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1979 - ( T.Å»., )
  Beitz Charles R.; Goodin Robert E. (eds.) - Global basic rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009 - ( T.Å»., )
  Besson Samantha; Tasioulas John - The Philosophy of International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010 - ( T.Å»., )
  Brock Gillian - Global Justice. A Cosmopolitan Account, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009 - ( T.Å»., )
  Brock Gillian; Moellendorf Darrel (eds.) - Current Debates in Global Justice, Springer, Dordrecht 2005 - ( T.Å»., )
  Brookes Thom (ed.) - The Global Justice Reader, Blackwell, Oxford 2008 - ( T.Å»., )
  Buchanan Allen - Justice, Legitimacy and Self-Determination: Moral Foundations for International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007 - ( T.Å»., )
  Caney Simon - Justice Beyond Borders, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005 - ( T.Å»., )
  Chatterjee Deen K. (ed.) - The Ethics of Assistance: Morality and the Distant Needy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2004 - ( T.Å»., )
  Chatterjee Deen K.; Scheid Don E. (eds.) - Ethics and Foreign Intervention, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003 - ( T.Å»., )
  Follesdal Andreas; Pogge Thomas W. (eds.) - Real World Justice: Grounds, Principles, Human Rights and Social Institutions, Springer, Dordrecht 2005 - ( T.Å»., )
  Moellendorf Darrel - Cosmopolitan Justice, Westview, Boulder (CO) 2002 - ( T.Å»., )
  O'Neill Onora - Bounds of Justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000 - ( T.Å»., )
  Pogge Thomas W. - World Poverty and Human Rights. Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms, Polity Press, Cambridge 2002 - ( T.Å»., )
  Pogge Thomas W. (ed.) - Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor?, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007 - ( T.Å»., )
  Pogge Thomas W.; Horton Keith (eds.) - Global Justice. Seminal Essays, Paragon House, 2008 - ( T.Å»., )
  Pogge Thomas; Moellendorf Darrel (eds.) - Global Ethics: Seminal Essays, Continuum Publishing, 2008 - ( T.Å»., )
  Scheffler Samuel - Boundaries and Allegiances: Problems of Justice and Responsibility in Liberal Thought, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2002 - ( T.Å»., )
  Shue, Henry - Basic Rights: Subsistence, Affluence, and Us Foreign Policy Princeton University Press, Princeton 1980 - ( T.Å»., )
  Tan, Kok-Chor - Toleration, Diversity, and Global Justice, Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park (Pa) 2000 - ( T.Å»., )
  Ethics and International Affairs - , 19/1 (2005) - ( T.Å»., )
  Blake, Michael - Distributive Justice, State Coercion, and Autonomy, “Philosophy and Public Affairs”, 30 (2001), ss. 257-296 - ( T.Å»., )
  Cohen Joshua; Sabel Charles - Extra Rempublicam Nulla Justitia?, “Philosophy & Public Affairs”, 34/2 (2006), ss. 147-175 - ( T.Å»., )
  Julius, A.J. - Nagel’s Atlas, “Philosophy & Public Affairs”, 34/2 (2006), ss. 176-192 - ( T.Å»., )
  Kamm, Frances M. - Does Distance Matter Morally to the Duty to Rescue? oraz The New Problem of Distance in Morality, w: tejże, Intricate Ethics. Rights, Responsibilities, and Permissible Harm, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007, s. 345-397 - ( T.Å»., )
  Lichtenberg Judith - Negative Duties, Positive Duties, and the “New Harms”, “Ethics”, 120 (2010), ss. 557-578 - ( T.Å»., )
  Nagel, Thomas - The Problem of Global Justice, “Philosophy and Public Affairs”, 33/2 (2005), ss. 113-147 - ( T.Å»., )
  Risse, Mathias - How Does the Global Order Harm the Poor?, “Philosophy and Public Affairs”, 33/4 (2005), ss. 349-376 - ( T.Å»., )
  Sangiovanni Andrea - Global Justice, Reciprocity, and the State, “Philosophy and Public Affairs”, 35/1 (2007), ss. 3-39 - ( T.Å»., )
  Wenar Leif - Property Rights and the Resource Course, “Philosophy and Public Affairs”, 36/1 (2008), ss. 2-32 - ( T.Å»., )
  Wenar, Leif - What We Owe to Distant Others, “Politics, Philosophy, and Economics”, 2 (2003), ss. 283-304 - ( T.Å»., )
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