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Internal morality of medicine

  Arras J.D. - A Method in Search of a Purpose: The Internal Morality of Medicine , Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (2001) 26 ss. 643–662. - ( W.G., )
  Beauchamp Tom L. - Internal and external standards for medical morality , Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2001 December 26(6)ss.601-619. - ( W.G., )
  Brody Howard Miller Franklin G. - The internal morality of medicine: explication and application to managed care , Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1998 August 23(4) ss. 384-410. - ( W.G., )
  Miller Franklin G. Brody Howard - The internal morality of medicine: An evolutionary perspective , Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2001 December 26(6) ss. 581-599. - ( W.G., )
  Miller Franklin G. Brody Howard Chung Kevin C. - Cosmetic Surgery and the Internal Morality of Medicine , Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2000 Summer 9(3) ss. 353- 364. - ( W.G., )
  Pellegrino Edmund D. - The internal morality of clinical medicine: A paradigm for the ethics of the helping and healing professions , Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2001 December 26(6) ss. 559-579. - ( W.G., )
  Veatch Robert M. - The impossibility of a morality internal to Medicum , Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2001 December 26(6) ss. 621-642. - ( W.G., )
  Welie Jos V.M. - The Relationship between Medicine’s Internal Morality and Religion , Christian Bioethics Aug2002 Vol. 8 Issue 2 p175 24p. - ( W.G., )
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