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Genetics :  Bioethics / Medical Ethics :  Ethics :  back 

Ethical Aspects

  Chapman A. R., Frankel M. S. - Designing Our Descendants. The Promises and Perils of Genetic Modifications, The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore 2003 - ( O.D., )
  Erwin E., Genin S., Kleiman L. (eds.) - Ethical Issues in Scientific Research. An Anthology, Gerland Publ., Inc., New York & London 1994 - ( O.D., )
  Allen Garland E. - Genetics and Behavior [w:] Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, R. Chadwick (ed.), Academic Press, 1998, vol. 2, s. 435 - 443 - ( O.D., )
  Anderson W. French - Human Gene Therapy: Scientificadd Ethical Considerations [w:] Ethical Issues in Scientific Research. An Antology, E. Erwin, S. Gendin, L. Kleiman (eds.), Garland Publishing, Inc., New York & London 1994, p. 337 - 351 - ( O.D., )
  Arras John D. - Reproductive Technology [w:] A Companion to Applied Ethics, R. G. Frey, Ch. H. Wellman (eds.), Blackwell Publ., 2007, s. 342 - 355 - ( O.D., )
  Boleyn - Fitzgerald Patrick - Experimentation on Human Subjects [w:] A Companion to Applied Ethics, R. G. Frey, Ch. H. Wellman (eds.), Blackwell Publ., 2007, s. 410 - 423 - ( O.D., )
  Brock Dan W. - Genetic Engineering [w:] A Companion to Applied Ethics, R. G. Frey, Ch. H. Wellman (eds.), Blackwell Publ., 2007, s. 356 - 368 - ( O.D., )
  Fletcher John - Moral Problems In Genetic Counseling [w:] Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine, R. Hunt, J. Arros (eds.), Mayfield Publishing Company, 1977, s. 92 - 109 - ( O.D., )
  Gert Bernard - Genetic Engineering [w:] Encyclopedia of Ethics L. C. Becker, Ch. B. Becker (eds), 2nd ed., Routledge, 2001, vol. 1, s. 602 - 606 - ( O.D., )
  Glover Jonathan - Question About Some Uses of Genetic Engineering [w:] Contemporary Issues In Bioethics, 3rd ed. T. L. Beauchamp, L. Walters (eds.), Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont California 1989, s. 525 - 535 - ( O.D., )
  Glover Jonathan - Handicap [w:] J. Glover, Ethics of New Reproductive Technologies: The Glover Report to The European Commission, Northen Illinois University Press, DeKalb 1989, Part 5, Ch. 12 - ( O.D., )
  Glover Jonathan - Gene Therapy, Genetic Engineering and Sex Selection [w:] J. Glover, Ethics of New Reproductive Technologies: The Glover Report to The European Commission, Northen Illinois University Press, DeKalb 1989, Part 5, Ch. 13 - ( O.D., )
  Hedgecoe Adam M. - Gene Therapy [w:] Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, R. Chadwick (ed.), Academic Press, 1998, vol. 2, s. 383 - 390 - ( O.D., )
  Hedgecoe Adam M. - Genome Analysis [w:] Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, R. Chadwick (ed.), Academic Press, 1998, vol. 2, s. 463 - 470 - ( O.D., )
  Jungest Eric T. - Prenatal Diagnosis and the Ethics of Uncertainty [w:] Biomedical Ethics, 3rd ed., T. A. Mappes, J. S. Zembaty (eds.), McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991, s. 499 - 507 - ( O.D., )
  Neri Dematrio - Eugenics [w:] Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, R. Chadwick (ed.), Academic Press, 1998, vol. 2, s. 161 - 173 - ( O.D., )
  Prudy L. M. - Genetic Diseases: Can Having Children Be Immoral? [w:] Biomedical Ethics, 3rd ed., T. A. Mappes, J. S. Zembaty (eds.), McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991, s.488 - 495 - ( O.D., )
  Ramsey Paul - Screening: An Ethicist’s View [w:] Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine, R. Hunt, J. Arros (eds.), Mayfield Publishing Company, 1977, s. 110 - 117 - ( O.D., )
  Singer Peter, Wells Deane - Genetic Engineering [w:] Ethical Issues in Scientific Research. An Antology, E. Erwin, S. Gendin, L. Kleiman (eds.), Garland Publishing, Inc., New York & London 1994, s. 307 - 321 - ( O.D., )
  Stich Stephen P. - The Genetic Adventure [w:] Ethical Issues in Scientific Research. An Antology, E. Erwin, S. Gendin, L. Kleiman (eds.), Garland Publishing, Inc., New York & London 1994, p. 321 - 329 - ( O.D., )
  Veatch Robert M. - The Unexpected Chromosome…A Counselor’s Dilemma [w:] Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine, R. Hunt, J. Arros (eds.), Mayfield Publishing Company, 1977, 87 - 91 - ( O.D., )
  Wachbroit Robert - What Is Wrong with Eugenics? [w:] Ethical Issues in Scientific Research. An Antology, E. Erwin, S. Gendin, L. Kleiman (eds.), Garland Publishing, Inc., New York & London 1994, p. 329 - 337 - ( O.D., )
  Walters LeRoy - The Ethics of Human Gene Therapy [w:] Contemporary Issues In Bioethics, 3rd ed. T. L. Beauchamp, L. Walters (eds.), Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont California 1989, s. 520 - 525 - ( O.D., )
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