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Etyka cnót :  Etyka normatywna :  Etyka :  powrót 

Współczesna etyka cnót

  Audi Robert - Moral Knowledge and Ethical Character , Oxford UP 1997 - ( J.J., )
  Axtell Guy (ed.) - Knowledge, Belief, and Character , Rowman & Littlefield, 2000 - ( J.J., )
  Baier Annette - Postures of the Mind , Meuthen, London 1985 - ( J.J., )
  Baier Annette - Moral Prejudices , Harvard UP 1994 - ( J.J., )
  Baron Marcia, Philip Pettit, Michael Slote - Three Methods of Ethics , Blackwell, 1997 - ( J.J., )
  Clarke Stanley G. (ed.) - Anti-Theory in Ethics and Moral Conservatism , New York 1989 - ( J.J., )
  Crisp Roger (ed.) - How Should One Live? , Oxford UP 1998 - ( J.J., )
  Crisp Roger, Michael Slote (eds.) - Virtue Ethics , Oxford UP 1997 - ( J.J., )
  Darwall Stephan (ed.) - Virtue Ethics Blackwell, 2002 - ( J.J., )
  Driver Julia - Uneasy Virtue , Cambridge UP 2001 - ( J.J., )
  Fairweather Abrol, Linda Zagzebski (eds.) - Virtue Epistemology , , Oxford UP 2001 - ( J.J., )
  Flanagan Owen, Amelie O. Rorty (eds.) - Identity, Character, and Morality: Essays in Moral Psychology , MIT Press, 1991 - ( J.J., )
  Foot Philippa - Virtues and Vices , University of California Press, 1978 - ( J.J., )
  French P., T. Uehling, H. Wettstein (eds.) - Ethical Theory: Character and Virtue , Midwest Studies in Philosophy (13) 1988 - ( J.J., )
  Geach Peter - The Virtues , Cambridge UP 1977 - ( J.J., )
  Gowans Ch. (ed.) - Moral Dilemmas , Oxford UP 1987 - ( J.J., )
  Hampshire Stuart - Morality and Conflict , Harvard UP 1983 - ( J.J., )
  Hooker B., M. O. Little (eds.) - Moral Particularism , Oxford 2000 - ( J.J., )
  Hudson Stephen D. - Human Character and Morality , Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986 - ( J.J., )
  Hursthouse Rosalinde - On Virtue Ethics , Oxford UP 1999 - ( J.J., )
  JaÅ›tal Jacek (red.) - Etyka i charakter , Kraków 2004 - ( J.J., )
  Kupperman Joel J. - Character , Oxford UP 1995 - ( J.J., )
  Louden Robert B. - Morality and Moral Theory , Oxford UP 1992 - ( J.J., )
  MacIntyre Alasdair - Dziedzictwo cnoty , przeÅ‚. A. Chmielewski, WN PWN, Warszawa 1996 - ( J.J., )
  MacIntyre Alasdair - Whose Justice? Which Rationality? Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1988 - ( J.J., )
  Mason H. E.(ed.) - Moral Dilemmas and Moral Theory , Oxford UP 1996 - ( J.J., )
  Murdoch Iris - Prymat dobra , tÅ‚um. A. Pawelec, Znak, Kraków 1996 - ( J.J., )
  Nussbaum Martha C. - Love’s Knowledge. Essays on Philosophy and Literature , Oxford UP 1990 - ( J.J., )
  Pincoffs Edward - Quandaries and Virtues , Lawrance 1986 - ( J.J., )
  Ricouer Paul - O sobie samym jako innym , tÅ‚um. B. CheÅ‚stowski, WN PWN, Warszawa 2003 - ( J.J., )
  Schneewind Jerome B. - The Invention of Autonomy , Cambridge UP 1997 - ( J.J., )
  Slote Michael - Goods and Virtues , Oxford UP 1989 - ( J.J., )
  Slote Michael - From Morality to Virtue , Oxford UP 1995 - ( J.J., )
  Slote Michael - Morals from Motives , Oxford UP 2001 - ( J.J., )
  Spaemann Robert - Szczęście a życzliwość , tÅ‚um. J. Merecki, RW KUL, Lublin 1997 - ( J.J., )
  Statman Daniel - Moral Luck , State Univ. of NY Press, 1993 - ( J.J., )
  Statman Daniel (ed.) - Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader , Edinburgh UP 1997 - ( J.J., A.E., T.K., )
  Taylor Charles - ŹródÅ‚a podmiotowoÅ›ci , przekÅ‚. zbior. pod red. T. Gadacza, WN PWN, Warszawa 2001 - ( J.J., T.K., A.E., )
  TrzebiÅ„ski Jerzy (red.) - Narracja jako rozumienie Å›wiata , GdaÅ„skie Wyd. Psychologiczne, GdaÅ„sk 2002 - ( J.J., )
  Wallace James - Virtues and Vices , Ithaca 1978 - ( J.J., )
  Williams Bernard - Moral Luck , Cambridge UP 1986 - ( J.J., )
  Williams Bernard - Problems of the Self , Cambridge UP 1985 - ( J.J., )
  Williams Bernard - Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy , Fontana Press, London 1985 - ( J.J., )
  Williams Bernard - Ile wolnoÅ›ci powinna mieć wola? , tÅ‚um. T. Basznik, T. DuliÅ„ski, M. SzczubiaÅ‚ka, Aletheia, 1999 - ( J.J., )
  Wright G.H. von - The Varietes of Goodness , London 1963 - ( J.J., )
  Zagzebski Linda - Virtues of the Mind: An Inquiry into Nature of Virtue and the Ethical Foundations of Knowledge , Cambridge UP 1996 - ( J.J., )
  Baier Annette - Trust and Anti-trust , Ethics (96) 1986 - ( J.J., )
  Baron Marcia - Varieties of Ethics of Virtue , Am. Philosophical Quarterly (22) 1985 - ( J.J., )
  Fleming Arthur - Reviewing the Virtues , Ethics (90) 1980 - ( J.J., )
  Hursthouse Rosalinde - Virtue Theory and Abortion , Philosophy and Public Affairs (20) 1990 - ( J.J., )
  McDowell John - Virtue and Reason , Monist (62) 1979 - ( J.J., )
  Schneewind Jerome B. - The Misfortunes of Virtue , Ethics (101) 1991 - ( J.J., )
  Stocker Michael - The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories , Journal of Philosophy (73) 1976 - ( J.J., )
  Trianosky George - What is Virtue Ethics All About , Am. Philosophy Quarterly (27) 1990 - ( J.J., )
  Wolf Susan - Moral Saints , Journal of Philosophy (79) 1982 - ( J.J., )
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