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Overviews of books

Eyde L.D., Robertson G.J., Krug S.E.,Responsible Test Use: Case Studies for Assessing Human Behavior

Fernández-Ballesteros R.,Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment

Gregory M.J., Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications (6th Edition)

Groth-Marnat G., Handbook of Psychological Assessment (5th Edition)

Koocher G.P., Keith-Spiegel P., Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases

McWilliams N., Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, Second Edition: Understanding Personality Structure in the Clinical Process

Saklofske D.H., Reynolds C.R., Schwean V., The Oxford Handbook of Child Psychological Assessment

Simeonsson R.J., Rosenthal S.L., Psychological and Developmental Assessment: Children with Disabilities and Chronic Conditions

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