Diametros 26 (December 2010): 226-227
doi: 10.13153/diam.26.2010.423

From the Editorial Board – information and acknowledgments

The current issue of Diametros contains two groups of articles devoted to special themes. The first of these themes is the "right to life". It is taken up by several articles submitted by foreign authors, Jan Deckers, Bernard Gert, John P. Lizza, Hugh V. McLachlan (in English) and Manfred Spieker (in German), as well as an article in Polish by Kazimierz Szewczyk. The second special topic is "global justice". This group comprises five articles, which are the results of a conference entitled "Why help strangers? The ethical aspects of global justice" (Cracow, 11-12 December 2010), organized by the Interdisciplinary Center for Ethics of the Jagiellonian University in cooperation with the Institute of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University as part of an educational project financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the Education Development 2010 program. Three of the articles are revised versions of lectures prepared for the conference by invited speakers (Miłowit Kuniński, Paweł Łuków i Jan Woleński), while the other two articles - by Marta Soniewicka and Tomasz Żuradzki – tied for first place in the competition for the best papers submitted.

The twenty-sixth the issue of Diametros closes another publishing year of our quarterly journal. As in every December issue, we aside our customary anonymity to give heartfelt thanks to all registered referees - both in Poland and abroad - who took the trouble of reading and evaluating this year's articles. We therefore extend our gratitude to:

Tadeusz Biesaga, Piotr Bołtuć, Józef Bremer, Andrzej Bronk, Krzysztof Brzechczyn, Barbara Chyrowicz, Józef Dębowski, Russell DiSilvestro, Zbigniew Drozdowicz, Marek Drwięga, Paweł Dybel, Jerzy Gołosz, Joanna Górnicka-Kalinowska, Piotr Gutowski, Jan Hartman, Lesław Hostyński, Zbigniew Hull, Dale Jacquette, Jacek Jaśtal, Bjorn Jespersen, Joanna Judycka, Stanisław Judycki, Romana Kolarzowa, Włodzimierz Lorenc, Krzysztof Łastowski, Dariusz Łukasiewicz, Jacek Malczewski, Janusz Mizera, Jacques Morizot, Edgar Morscher, Roman Murawski, Barbara A. Noah, Jacek Paśniczek, Robert Poczobut, Czesław Porębski, Alexander Pruss, Andrzej Przyłębski, Wojciech Sady, Maciej Soin, Jussi Suikkanen, Tadeusz Szubka, Eugeniusz Szumakowicz, Alfred Wierzbicki, Ryszard Wiśniewski, Iwo Zieliński †, Władysław Zuziak, Urszula Żegleń.

On behalf of the Editorial Board of Diametros
Włodzimierz Galewicz